Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor
Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor
Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor
Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor

Festive Wreath Earrings | Bright Muticolor

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Celebrate the Holidays with these festive wreath stud earrings. Made with beautiful and shiny stones and crystals. They have a perfect size to match many of your Holiday outfits. Made for those that want a festive and classy look.


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